How cold does it have to be to you turn on your heat?

Others take the position where if it dips into the low 40’s or flirts with below freezing outside, then it’s acceptable to finally turn the furnace on. If you’re that cold, you can always put on another layer or two and hide under a blanket. The question inevitably shifts to how warm do we set … Read more

Using an oven to heat a house – here’s why it’s a bad idea.

There are ways to heat your home without turning on your conventional gas, oil or electric heater, but the oven appliance you cook with isn’t your best option. When the weather turns cold, a climbing heat bill can keep you from cranking up the thermostat. Keep the cold under control without using kitchen appliances to … Read more

Beat the Winter Chill with These Heating Secrets

The average family in New Jersey spends between $200-$400 every month to keep the house warm and toasty during winter months. This average applies to many other states where the temperature drops and the snow flies. Heating is a necessity of life in these areas—which is ironic, because just a few months earlier, it’s virtually … Read more

Why Is My Heating Bill So Expensive?

1. You’re Heating When No One is Home If you have a central heating system, your heating output is controlled by a thermostat. This is convenient because it allows you to set a temperature and forget about it—the system will work independently to keep the temperature constant. The downside is, the system doesn’t know whether … Read more