Air Conditioning and its Impact on the Environment

Today, air conditioning is a staple of everyday life in New Jersey and much of the world. As of 1990, there were only about 400 million air conditioning units in the world, with most of them located in the US. It was originally intended for industrial use. The industry had struggled to convince the public … Read more

Is Your HVAC System Ready to Last the Winter?

If you aren’t sure exactly how to prepare your HVAC system for winter, here are some key tips and to-dos from the indoor comfort experts at All Air Systems to check off this fall. Annual maintenance is cheaper than emergency HVAC repairs that could have been avoided! Schedule a maintenance appointment each fall and spring. … Read more

Top Six Hidden Heating Costs

A traditional masonry chimney and wood-burning fireplace loses 80-90% of the heat up the chimney. Plus, additional air inside your New Jersey home is also pulled up and out through the chimney. To add to the problem, the chimney creates an opening that causes heat and A/C loss throughout the year. If you forget to … Read more

Using an oven to heat a house – here’s why it’s a bad idea.

There are ways to heat your home without turning on your conventional gas, oil or electric heater, but the oven appliance you cook with isn’t your best option. When the weather turns cold, a climbing heat bill can keep you from cranking up the thermostat. Keep the cold under control without using kitchen appliances to … Read more

Can your air conditioner spread corona virus?

There are precautions you can take to make sure the circulating air isn’t spreading the virus. One thing you can do is install portable air filters which clean small particles from the air. These units are available in different sizes and are effective in large and smaller homes. It’s estimated nearly 90% of American homes … Read more

Should I Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors in my Home?

Symptoms of exposure to carbon monoxide are often mistaken for flu symptoms. They can include dizzy spells, nausea, fatigue, trouble breathing, or headaches. In more serious exposures, symptoms become much worse. The exposed individual will often be unable to coordinate their muscle activity or maintain consciousness. It has no color, no odor and no taste … Read more

UV Lights: Can They Improve Your Home’s Air?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a word or two to say about it. In recent statements, this organization has cited indoor air pollution as a significant health risk for Americans, and has listed UV lights as an effective way to clean up your indoor air. In short, the EPA tells us that the answer … Read more